Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Faces of Clarity - An Easy Book to Read

My face. Its expressions. My eyes and the directions they wander. All of it is open. Perfectly clear for all to read. No exceptions. If you think I'm feeling a certain way that I am not, it is because you simply didn't look at my face. Didn't study for a brief moment what it tells you. Its not that I willfully make myself this way - so open, so vulnerable. Its that my face and eyes within will quite honestly betray everything that I wish to play close to my chest.

I have been told this is a good thing but I am not so sure. I have been emotionally compared to dogs. That forlornness you can see in their eyes, the way their body moves when they are happy or excited, the tail under their legs when they feel inferior or frightened. Tell tails. My own set of emotions rage and change so quickly. They spike from extreme to extreme - an ocean motion printed simple and bold like a child's storybook across the muscles and skin that I show to the world each day. My employers sense the depression, fatigue and boredom. They do not yet fire me because I show up and deliver enough productivity. My lover can tell when I am upset or cranky even when I try my damnedest to get over it or keep it to myself for fear of taking it out on her or the kids.

The fuct up part about this is that almost everyone I speak with regularly can read me this way. It is not a two way street either. I cannot yet read them in turn. I've been told that I am way too easy to convince. Unfortunate if you ask me because if I am so easy to convince, then I am largely accepting what people say and taking it at face value. Why shouldn't I? Oh. Right. The lies, fibs, good intentions never to be followed through upon, the misinformation, the assumptions, the uneducated guesses and even the un-educated guesses. Strange to think I am the one who needs to adjust to discern all this shit. Like my value or the value of my skills. Like wether I'll be told if I make the cut for an audition as opposed to never receiving a call. How to do things and how to live my life. I wonder that I may be receptive to everyone's suggestions because I don't feel I've really gotten it right so far. What to learn to increase my job worth... The list could clearly go on.

So what's the big fucking secret that nobody knows yet so may seem to connect with? Like getting a good job. To me, I wonder where to begin. So I ask. I take it for truth. "Go get a degree." Okay, did that. No job. So I ask others because all the books and internet will tell me is to network *gives finger to nepotism and other time honored practices* Others say, "Here is where you are now, where do you want to be? Here's how to get there... You will have to commit all free time. Other hobbies and interests shall be cast aside. This is what I had to do so surely it is how you should do it too."

You had me buying that shit. For a night, I believed that you were right and that your way is the path for me. I have a lover. She is willing to shake me and be stubbornly point out how I accept what I am told. Though I could be making the same assumptions from what she tells me, the difference is that I trust her implicitly.

Quite honestly, I still have never found a job I WANT to do. What I want to do is own a home with no fucking by-laws and rules about where and when I can cook raw meat outdoors. I WANT to work for ENOUGH pay to stay out of work as much as possible and still afford getting out of debt, groceries, road trips and beer runs. Still, since I was little, they all ask, "But what do you WANT TO BE?"

A singer. Can we now please move on to a way to actually make enough time and money while I try to be a fucking singer?

Myself and friends and lovers have wanted to be one of the following:

A rock singer
An author
A philosopher
An actor
A director
A poet
A painter
A comic book writer

Buy a lotto ticket. It may be as easy to do these things for a living.

I didn't choose rock singer because I want to shirk real jobs though that is a perk if you're selling enough. I chose it because even without practice, without gigging or recording, without much progress of any kind so far, I'm better at it than anything that has ever captured my brief or full interest. The designer, the inventory specialist, the customer service agent, the carpenter, the house cleaner. All these are skills of various levels within my talent. None compare to the ability and enthusiasm I can spit at you from behind a mic. It makes me happy. In fact, the last time I came home from Jam Night, MD said that I smelled like sex. I was that ecstatic.

BTW, happy 4th of July for all you non-ex-patriots out there.

Music: Quarantined - At The Drive In



At 7/06/2007 10:07 AM, Blogger Lance coughed up...

Enjoy the struggle. Take pride in the small achivements, but really learn to love the struggle.

At 7/06/2007 12:29 PM, Blogger Natalia coughed up...

I think being read is a good thing. Who has times for trying to figure other people's thoughts? I am all for transparency.

If you take your dream seriously, your dream might just take you seriously too. :)


At 7/09/2007 11:54 AM, Blogger sassinak coughed up...

i haven't had a vacation in four years... if you want something you have to be willing to make sacrifices for it.

it simply remains to be seen whether you want it or not.

At 7/09/2007 12:00 PM, Blogger Hubris coughed up...

sass- I don't think it remains to be seen. I think people around me are not seeing nearly as much work as I am actually doing to chase these dreams and goals. My whole point of this post is that it doesn't necessarily require the sacrifices that everyone around me keeps telling me. Keep in mind that you didn't or rather couldn't work full time while becoming an instructor.

At 7/10/2007 6:19 PM, Blogger The Mighty Doll coughed up...

sass- that's funny, I could swear you never miss a hillside festival, and I KNOW you were there last year.

I also have photographic evidence on this here computer of at least one camping/road trip you've taken.

I recall a visit to LSD about a year or so ago...

You do take vacations, I'm afraid and considering Hubris works 40 hours a week for his salary plus taking on cleaning clients and studying web skills several days a week, I'm not sure I understand how you figure his level of "sacrifice" is insufficient to convince you that he actually means what he says about his goals and dreams.

That said, I'm not sure how you figure it's up to you to determine whether he "really" wants something or not.

Friendship means lending strength and confidence when your friends own stores are lagging, it never means tearing down that hard-won confidence when it's there.

At 7/10/2007 6:22 PM, Blogger The Mighty Doll coughed up...


Great advice! :)

At 7/10/2007 7:52 PM, Blogger sassinak coughed up...

mightydoll: um you consider a three day weekend a vacation? because with the exception of a four day weekend ONCE a year for hillside that is all i do and that four times a year at the MOST. i've worked random hours six days a week for years. (like wednesdays that start at 6:30am and end at 8:30pm after working til 8 or 9 pm on tuesday night)

i haven't had any ten days off or cruise trips have i? have i gone to visit my parents once? anything?

that said, i have never for a second considered hubris to be not working hard, it's that in this post he is complaining of sacrifices you need to make to get what you want in life and i'm simply saying if you want it you have to sacrifice for it and if you aren't willing to do that then maybe you don't want it.

i don't think that's different for different dreams either.

according to your definition i'm not actually entitled to say anything so i won't actually reply to any but your comments as you consider my words to be a tearing down and frankly, it isn't what i meant at all.

hubris: because i'm broken. that's why i cleaned house and superintendented a building. if i could sit at a desk i would have gone back to my nice 50k/year tech job while i got up to speed.

i'm sorry that you feel no one sees the work you're doing.

At 7/11/2007 6:42 AM, Blogger Hubris coughed up...

sass- this post isn't complaining of sacrifices. Its a comment that I am less apt to take everything that people around me say at face value and in turn think that it applies the same to my life. It doesn't. Yours, PJ's, MD's sacrifices are not necessarily the ones I have to make to get where I want to be. Thats it.

the cruise is something you'd have seized as an opportunity as well if someone was willing to pay your way in exchange for geriatric care. Its not exactly setting back goals to ensure a vacation.

I know very well why you didn't work full time.

More over everything else? I consider the last ten years of my life to be a pretty fucking generous sacrifice. Though to ask Anne, you'd hear it very differently I'm sure.

At 7/11/2007 9:43 AM, Blogger Hubris coughed up...

indeed, dreams require some sacrifice, but Hubris being told he should sacrifice his dreams to clean houses or learn how to program doesn't compute.

He works hard enough on things that get him no closer to his dreams to be told that he's going to have to put in more effort on those things.

I imagine if Hubris' dream was to do your websites and clean your houses, he would be well on his way, considering how much he sacrifices to do those things. Unfortunately, those are means to an end, and they don't acheive that end if he sacrifices the music in the meantime.

Of course, you probably didn't know that that's what he was told he had to sacrifice, or that that's the goal he was told he had to have. I suppose there's a lesson in talking out your ass, should you choose to accept it.

I did assume you were referring to Hubris' recent spate of 3-day weekends as vacations. I never for a moment thought that you would consider wiping an 80 year old's ass and picking him up off the floor for 10 days a vacation. A trip, yes, an opportunity to see magnificent sights, no doubt...but a vacation?  Not so much.

At 7/11/2007 9:56 AM, Blogger sassinak coughed up...

mightydoll i believe we should choose not to discourse with each other any longer, i can't possibly be polite to someone who will persist in assuming that everything i say is a personal attack.

nor will i check this thread again

At 7/11/2007 10:46 AM, Blogger The Mighty Doll coughed up...


you can say you won't check, but I highly doubt you won't. You and I are far too much alike.

so I will say that I perceived nothing as a personal attack, though your reactions were quite defensive, so perhaps you are projecting.

Falsely stating your superior dedication to your dreams and then casting doubt on Hubris' dedication to his is hard to read as anything other than narcisistic, rude and downright discouraging.

I would think as a friend of his, you would know, if you thought about it before commenting, the effect those words would have on him.

In short: An attack? No. Moreover, certainly not an attack on me. Inappropriate and something that I won't stand by and allow to pass? You betcha.

My point has always been that Hubris takes this kind of thing far too much to heart. He's easily discouraged and won't necessarily stand up for himself.

I don't think he REQUIRES me to stand up for him, but it doesn't mean I won't do it anyway.

From one lippy bitch to another, I'm completely flabbergasted that you would take such an approach to someone else speaking their mind.

Besides, you can't take that ball home. It's my ball.

At 7/11/2007 11:06 AM, Blogger Hubris coughed up...

all- my exact point for writing this post was to illustrate what MD said: "Hubris takes this kind of thing far too much to heart. He's easily discouraged and won't necessarily stand up for himself." and then trying to overcome that.

sass- you said "it simply remains to be seen whether you want it or not." I know very well it isn't an attack but I find it hurtful all the same to make that judgement after only about three months of pursuit. If it remains to be seen to you then you simply haven't remembered that my 10 year marriage was a sacrifice so that Anne could pursue her dreams (regardless of the fact that I didn't yet know what I wanted). Or remembered that you had to fire your maid because he needed more time to work on goals and it didn't suit your schedule. Or remembered that leaving my current job to allow for the same is a huge sacrifice. That of steady income to feed and house my family.

btw, I also find it extremely rude that you expected the maid that waited at the front door of your building for forty-five minutes to know and work around the fact that you keep your ringer off and then say to him that you didn't feel like he really wanted to be there.

I dropped of the rental car I had that day and immediately went straight to your house. Not home. Its not like I blew you off.

You have a right to be upset that your place didn't get cleaned that day but I do not think you have the right to blame me for not getting into your apartment.

At 7/11/2007 6:29 PM, Blogger sassinak coughed up...

clearly the two of you have chosen to no longer associate with me. please remove me from your links and return anything you might have of mine to any mutual friend you care to choose.

i no longer consider either of you welcome in my home.

hubris i will forward money to othercat for work done.

At 7/18/2007 1:41 PM, Blogger Lance coughed up...

Holy shit!

That was a powder keg of TNT that just went up!

You all have been harboring some serious resentment. Personally I think it would be an interesting fight. Hubris's power verses Sass's dexterity. All joking aside, what happened between you two anyway?

Nick, you've reached the status of one of my best friends ever.

Sass, you haven't quite reached that place, but I consider you a good friend and often check in on your blog to see how you are doing.

I wish you two could just realize that no one is perfect. We all have this way of insulating ourselves in our own little worlds and forgetting that others around us are allowed their own point of view. Whether we agree or not with it is really besides the point when you love someone.

I personally came after Hubris a little bit a few posts back. It was in an effort to try to kick him into gear. Refocus my friend. It was received well by him. I cannot be sure what the intent of Sass was in her comment, but I'm willing to guess it wasn't a vindictive effort to discourage Hubris from realizing his dream. The rest of that crazy digression was just symtomatic of some larger illness between the two of you. What that is, I don't know. I'm not around enough to make an educated guess.

The long and short of it is this. You two are friends. There is a lot of good history between the two of you. Simmer down and reflect on what it is that is really bothering you. Then learn from it. Remember you can do nothing to change others. All you can do is change yourself.

Whether you want to be friends anymore or not doesn't much matter. There are a lot of mutual friends. You'll at least need to find some level of comfort with each other.


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