Monday, June 18, 2007

Words Ring True

"This blog was pretty shitty. Sorry to break it to you, but I don't think you're on your way. Not with blogs like this one. Write another blog. In this next blog put just as much thought an energy into all of things you can do. Set out a plan and a single goal for the month... Set small obtainable goals that will help you toward your ultimate goal of being a rockstar. I don't want to read anymore blogs about what you can't do. Thats bullshit! And if you sit there and focus on the things you say can't happen, you'll paralyze yourself. Here's a crazy thought. You can do it. Here's something even crazier. You already know how. You don't need any pointers from anyone on how to do things. Just set some small monthly goals. When they are obtained, set a new goal that makes logical and progessive sense. Soon, you'll be the one that people are asking for advice. Above all, don't sit there and feel sorry for yourself. Be like the squirrel."

LSD had this to say in reply to my previous post. I find these kind of criticisms most helpful because they clarify just how mush ass sitting I really do. The more of my peers that point this out so bluntly, the more I wish to conquer my tendency to not discipline myself.

The things that are the most important to me in my life right now are continuing to build a good relationships with MD and her children, learning enough web skills to quit my day job and work from home, exercise every day, learn to read and write music, learn guitar and ultimately, sing for a rowdy band. These are either continuing or long term goals.

So far, I believe I'm doing okay in dedicating myself in my relationship with MD and being a good stepfather to MD's children. So far, I get good exercise at least 5 days a week. I ride by bike to and from work almost everyday and I climb during lunches about 3 times per week.

To allow for a greater focus on music and singing, I believe that learning web skills will be the fastest way to simultaneously increase my income and decrease my working hours. To do this, I must allocate many free hours after work and on weekends to go to Othercat's place to work on websites. Fortunately, this learning experience is paid and that quite well. Every time we are finished for the day, I ask when we can do it again. So far so good. I have 7.5 hours logged with another few to happen this evening. Dedicating this much time to this learning experience does require a sacrifice from more fun activities such as spending direct time with MD or going to karaoke to practice in public. So, in a way, I have to set some of the musical endeavors aside so that I can prepare to dive in later. What I don't have to set aside are things like studying music theory or guitar practice. Those types of things can be done while spending an evening with the girl. After all, she loves to read, yes? It should work well. A couple hours of theory and practice per week will definitely make great building blocks in the background.

The goal structure is in place, now I just need to break it down. Carry the acorns to my nest one at a time. As far as cash goes, a lot should pan out either when the Othercat's check comes and or when September comes. Borrowed amounts will be repaid to my credit card and MD might find work during school hours.

I'd say that my first monthly goal is to repair the frets on the classical guitar so that I can practice simple scales effectively. I think I can do this before the end of the month. Steve's music and Long & McQuade are both open until 9pm on Thursdays and Fridays. Plenty of time to get there after work. I might even be able to get a repair quote from both places on the same day.



At 6/18/2007 2:24 PM, Blogger Lance coughed up...

Nice! Perfect. You're well on your way again. Now don't just say that you're going to get the guitar fixed. Really go out and do it at the first opportunity. If you put it off once, you're more likely to put it off again.

Getting even small things like this checked off of your goal list gives you a huge confidence boost. Pretty soon you'll be addicted to the feeling of getting the thing you set out to do all done.

This blog represents a much better frame of mind for you. Good work.

At 6/19/2007 6:06 AM, Blogger Sonus Ex Machina coughed up...

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At 6/19/2007 6:11 AM, Blogger Sonus Ex Machina coughed up...

Go, Squirrel, Go!!

Glad to hear such a positive post from you! And good on yeh, LSD, for the excellent advice.

What's wrong with your classical guitar? And yeah, get it fixed!!

Oh, in other news, for privacy reasons, I moved my blog here. Check it out! It even features an update. More to come soon!

At 6/19/2007 11:50 AM, Blogger Hubris coughed up...

LSD- This Thursday. I have discussed the financial requirements with MD and all is set to work. And tomorrow night, instead of karaoke, I will attend a Jam Night - Live house band plays popular covers and anyone can sit in with their instrument. I will sing for a live band tomorrow night.

Sonus- Is there an online guitar tutorial you would recommend? As far as the repairs, the 7th and 8th fret are pushed up from the neck causing notes played on the 5th and 6th frets to be twangy and wrong. Also, it needs to be restrung.

At 6/19/2007 11:51 AM, Blogger Hubris coughed up...

and yeah, I'll check out your new home :)

At 6/21/2007 7:00 PM, Blogger Handsome Jack coughed up...

Sing every day HH. Sing EVERY day. No matter what. Don't get caught up in doing all kinds of other shit telling yourself that when you're done you'll have time to sing. You'll never be done. Sing now.


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