Monday, April 02, 2007

Go to Hell Monday - Issue #1: Jägermeister is not my friend...

So this is me all kinds of delighted to go to work with a 4 alarm hangover to find that I have no network of any kind. Internet, email and our Inventory/Point of Sale programs are right fuct.

This has been a rather stress free way to recover from copious amounts of Jager.

I stopped at a bakery on the way to work (which I was strangely on time for) and scored the 3 giant croissants for $0.99. Hence the flattering pictures of me chewing. I have to say that the most disappointing thing about this morning is that I have learned that there is NOTHING that can cover Jager breath. Toothpaste, Listerine, all of those efforts were futile.


At 4/04/2007 3:44 PM, Blogger Natalia coughed up...

Shut up you croissant eater!!! I am so hungry. And croissants are my favourite bread.

You suck!



At 4/05/2007 7:19 AM, Blogger Hubris coughed up...

Indeed I do ;)


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