Thursday, March 29, 2007

Rich arrogant people suck

Your wealth doesn't make you this way so its nothing against your income. Which is more than I can say for your point of view.

Seriously. You don't like my income? That we can afford to live here? My girlfriend's clothes? Her hyper dog you seem to think is a pit bull because you're too self-rightious to read a fucking book of breeds? Her children's clothes? Them being home because you're to arrogant to realize they aren't poorly cared for but rather their school starts at 12:30 because THEY'RE ONLY FIVE YEARS OLD!?

Fuck you. I hope you choke. I'm serious. Please kill yourself. Do it before you procreate.

YOU'RE the fuckass in the Mercedes who nearly hits me on the way to work because you don't even realize that cyclists exist.

YOU'RE the selfish bitch who blows money on expensive makeup and TV's and then complains about the homeless.

YOU'RE the lemming watching TV news believing everything it tells you.

YOU'RE the reason your child arms himself to the teeth to visit his teachers and peers.

YOU'RE the problem with pit bulls, not the pit bulls.

YOU'RE who I see when I am fed up with weaving through your polluting traffic like you're nothing but brainless cattle.

YOU'RE the customer who knows they are wrong but insists on being coddled because you spend so much at a given establishment.

YOU'RE the reason so many highly educated professional immigrants are working their asses off in your service industry.

Do I think I am better than you? I fucking do now.

oh yeah, one more thing.

When the revolution comes, when you are alone at the top behind your security gates in your million dollar home, when the gap between yourself and the rest of the classes has gotten too wide to measure, when your economy comes crashing down to respect the other sway of the pendulum, I will be there.

I will watch it burn. I will watch it crumble. I will watch you break with tears of desparation. My family and I will give you shelter and food as we feed on and devour all that used to be yours.

Its time to evolve.


At 3/30/2007 10:35 AM, Blogger Natalia coughed up...

Dude...rock on. You know the song that started playing in my head when I was reading this? Paranoid Android by Radiohead...especially the "When I am king you will be first against the wall
With your opinions which are of no consequence at all
What's that?
What's that?
Ambition makes you look pretty ugly
Kicking screaming gucci little piggy"

Ahhhh yes!


At 3/30/2007 10:36 AM, Blogger Natalia coughed up...

Or was it squealing? get the point! :)


At 3/30/2007 10:44 AM, Blogger Hubris coughed up...

A very good reference, Miss Nat! It certainly works. Though, at the time I was less pessimistic and far more angry so this was the one going through my head:

The beautiful people, the beautiful people
Its all relative to the size of your steeple
You cant see the forest for the trees
You cant smell Your own shit
Hey you, what do you see?
Something beautiful, something free?
Hey you, are you trying to be mean?
If you live with apes, man, its hard to be clean
The worms will live in every host
Its hard to pick which one they eat most
The horrible people, the horrible people
Its as anatomic as the size of your steeple
Capitalism has made it this way,
Old-fashioned fascism
Will take it away

At 3/30/2007 10:45 AM, Blogger Hubris coughed up...

Also, I wish to publish again. Would you be willing to help spread the word to any interested parties?

I have missed you.

At 3/30/2007 12:42 PM, Blogger Natalia coughed up...

You mean you wish to publish again on the blog? I made a reference to your post because I chose the song for my post. But I can make an announcement too :)

Just say the word.

Missed you too, darling. It's good to have you back.


At 3/30/2007 12:45 PM, Blogger Hubris coughed up...

the word :)

I'm composing a new one as we speak. I'm going to try to be back.

At 3/30/2007 12:49 PM, Blogger Natalia coughed up...



At 3/30/2007 12:52 PM, Blogger Hubris coughed up...

thanks yo :D


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