Thursday, September 13, 2007

Working Artist

A very big goal in my life has been met.

I have spent the last 10 years wondering what I want to do with my life. Love, family and fun were easy to decide upon and good healthy work was done and continues to have come this far. MD, her children, our friends and family isn't the picture I had painted for myself when I was young and stupid, trying to predict my utopic future, but it feels in my heart what I had in mind. It is right where I want to be and I love her so much.

It is regarding career and a passion for that career that I speak of today. That ten years was mostly spent finding out the hard way what I don't want to do. Filling in the rest of that time working dead end jobs that I was more than eager to loathe is something you are all familiar with when it comes to our conversations or reading my blog. It is done. There are no more dead end jobs to speak of. No inventory or polyester shits. No shipping and receiving. No stickering of product or cycle counting. No scouring of kitchen stoves or toilets left filthy beyond gross (except my own). No more gas station clerk. Or cold calling for membership sales, selling hair dryers from gym bags, selling tires, or worst of all, flipping burgers and emptying their grease traps. All of these are jobs I have performed in the last decade. I hated every single one as well as myself for being there. Yet a new common ground has entered for all of them. They are gone.

I am now a full time working artist. All of the work in my life currently consists of both music and graphic design and nothing more. I've reported in depth about my musical aspirations and accomplishments. Now I am happy to inform that I have accepted the offered position of design and marketing coordinator within my company. Last week I was providing disgruntled inventory service and as of last Monday, I am designing and planning. It's totally fucking cool! My office has a door and 4 walls. This is a brand new feature for me and I LOVE it. I am equipped with a brand spankin new iMac boasting 3GB of RAM to support running the latest design software (Adobe Creative Suite 3) and it makes me goo. My personal office, my personal decor, my personal goal met. Time to set a new one I think.

I know this is mostly verbal masturbation, but at least I'm happy this time.

HHNT all. Thanks for reading.

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At 9/20/2007 12:15 PM, Blogger Natalia coughed up...

Yaay for freedom from chains that chaffed your soul.

Much happiness and success.


At 9/20/2007 3:52 PM, Blogger Lance coughed up...

Congratulations! Way to be movin' on up. Soon you'll be in a house on the eastside.

At 9/21/2007 1:45 PM, Blogger The Mighty Doll coughed up...

*drive by smooching*


At 9/21/2007 5:29 PM, Blogger Hubris coughed up...


thanks friends.

couldn't have done it without your support.

At 9/23/2007 9:41 AM, Blogger Handsome Jack coughed up...

The portrait is like a Vermeer painting.


At 9/24/2007 9:28 AM, Blogger Hubris coughed up...

HJ- :) good idea... I like re-creating old paintings like I did with Hubris Devours His Chihuahuas. I might ad Girl with the Pearl Earring to this idea...

At 9/24/2007 2:35 PM, Blogger Handsome Jack coughed up...

Watch the Colin Firth/Scarlett Johansson movie "Girl with a Pearl Earing". It's like watching a series of moving paintings. Gorgeous.

I'm not sure I want to see you devouring a chihauhau ... but curious.


At 9/26/2007 2:20 PM, Blogger Lance coughed up...

If putting yourself into paintings is your game, might I make a suggestion?


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